Sunday, January 2, 2011

Balance of life

2009 @ Golden,  we love outdoor activities such as rafting. Since we live here, in Calgary.  The mountain, the river, the lake are so beautiful creatures that we love to explore and never tired of it.  We are so lucky to have such  time to do that while we were here.

2010 @ Grand canyon, Arizona. I love this canyon, it's so beautiful.  Just perfect to capture a yoga pose.

Cooking is one of my passionate. Other than that I love outdoor activity such as hiking, rafting, camping, running, yoga and other else that make me move and healthy.  The motivations to do all of this came from the cooking believe it or not. Why? Well .. since the good food is not always good stuff  for our body. 

I am enjoying my food, my cooking especially as well as my husband and my boys.  The dangerous part, our food - Indonesian food is very rich and I can say it's very dangerous for some people who has health conditions such as heart problem, high blood sugar,  liver, gout, diabetes, and so many diseases that  you can name it.  However, it doesn't mean I can't consume my soul food.  Learning from my experience gain weight and lose weight,  as well from my parents past. Now I know how to eat my soul food and at the same time I still have my bodylicious, hahahhaha

How?  first of all, you have to know your body and you have to trust what your body tell you. The most important thing on eating is the portion.  You know that you eat a good food, it doesn't mean you have to finish your food on the plate till drop!  Sometimes, you felt so bad since there is left over and you have to finish your food, right? Don't! you still can keep your food  until the next day and pack it for lunch at work, right? or just dump it on garbage. It's only food, not diamond.

Second, you have to learn which one is the fat one, the non fat one, the one has a lot of calorie on it and the one without! I am not gonna tell you since I am not the expert on this stuff.  I know what stuff that I can't consume but it doesn't mean you can't eat it since our body is different from each other. Basically the quotations: "You are what you eat" is so right.

The last one is to burn all the calorie that already inside your body!  What is 'in and out has to be balance.  Again, in this case everybody has different body, different need and so on. You have to learn about your body, your activity and your daily routine.   Exercise or active style is really important to keep the balance in our life.   

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