Sunday, October 14, 2018


Aging.  It's a noun.  It's only one word but the meaning it's quite heavy on all aspect. Still .. I need to talk about it even in my head I want to forget it! lol

It's easy to say to someone :  "Nahh .. you're still young! no worry about that!!  Then my friend will say the same thing to me : you think you're old???  well .. I did.  I can say am not the same age as I was 5 or 10 years ago.  That number is not just a number!!  I mean it.

I am trying to recalled when I was 20 years old, 30 years old .. that was like .. yeah,  it's just a number! My time still far away from the hell, hohoho.  I'm seriously never ever think that number is running and competing with my life!  However,  when it comes to number 40 and the rest  - I do really felt like  someone is slapping my face and make me wake up and realized that I am running out of time!  That's exactly what I felt.

I still remember when my parents spoiled me like a hell.  I was crying out loud when I didn't know how to cook the first time!! - that was in my early 20. Then, 10 yrs later I do really know how to cook from A-Z!  Whenever I went out to eat and I don't like what I ate, I'll find the answer how to make it! I am so evolved from stupidity to know how deal with it.

Exactly.  I remember mom said one time : you'll understand when you're old enough. Bang. It slaps my face.  Whatever she said is right.  I am trying to recall everything that she said.

Now, my age is even 100 divided into two and still plus ... the equation is even more than I thought and that is not just slapping my face but knocking my head .. wake up .. wake up, Any!!! Yup .. hell ya. 
I do understand when my body is not as great equation as when I was 30 or 40ish. It is make me  thinking all the time what I should do every time I am gonna do something! I have to think about the effect or the impact when something might go wrong with my action.  It doesn't matter what I did, I have to think twice or more. That is my reality right now before am on my 60th! That is not just a number!! It is a serious number in every actions. 

to be continue ... 


Judulnya "Dunia Maya" - entah itu Maya Rumantir, Maya Blah blah .. yg pasti MAYA - alias tidak nyata. Kasat mata pun tidak! well .. kasat mata di otak kale, ya?! Duhhh.

Judulnya sosial media ini emang bener" HOT like a stove. Semua terekspos habis"an karena saking Maya nya tadi, si miskin jadi kaya,  si kaya  merasa masih miskin, orang jelek jadi paling cantik, orang cantik jadi jelek. Semua heboh"an exhibit kekurangan dan kelebihan masing".

Apalagi kalo baru pertama kale kenal dengan MAYA,  orang jawa bilang ora ndhelok jitok e dhewe hahahaha pasang foto habis"an sambil teriak "notice me-notice me! (miss Insecure biasanya yg model gene).  Typical : orang kaya baru, orang yg kaya tapi gak ada self confidence, orang gak cantik tapi sok cantik dah pasti hahaha (dalam hati yg lihat mbatin: masio foto 200 shots dengan model kemiringan di semua sisi, pencong kiri kanan muter 45 derajat, ganti model baju pun) tetep aja gak ngaruh.

kalo yg dah pede, kaya, cantik, semua titel diborong, masih ikutan lomba "notice me" bikin orang semakin pengen ngelempar bakiak. Kasian juga sih benernya karena pada dasarnya dia gak PeDe, cuman punya modal cantik ato kaya aja, jadi sekalian numpang lewat bablas hehehe.  Sekali dua kale muncul di mass media is okay karena wajahnya bikin orang seneng, hiburan gratis lah untuk cowo" yg bininya gak se cantik dia, tapi kalo setiap kali dia keluar rumah foto, setiap pergi dia upload semua foto di medsos yg dia punya mulai dr FB, instagram, Path, apalagi??  bukan cantik lagi yg kita lihat tapi pengen muntah hahahahah

Aku inget pertama kali mulai FB, thn 2008 masih belum serame sekarang. FB bener" sarana untuk cari temen" ku yg antah berantah keberadaannya! Hebohnya setelah ketemu, malah bikin eneg karena setiap kale isinya reuni terus hahahaha.  Well .. kalo keadaan kita super jauh dan gak ketemu 2 dekade lebih masih okay lah,  reuni masih ada cerita. Lha ini ketemu terus, reuni terus, ora bar" ceritone, malah nggawe cerito dhewe, edan tenan.

Yang paling mengenaskan, lomba" di dunia MAYA tadi.  Saking hebohnya, sampe bergelimangan dengan korban". Jangan tanya kasus penipuan ato korban cinta dadakan sampe kasus cere pun gak karuan banyaknya! Aneh tapi itu kenyataan yg ada dinegara yg sedang berkembang ini.

So sad ...  MAYA MAYA