Monday, October 14, 2013

Four Eyes

What you need to see everything clearly!
Another eyes definitely.

It's hard to see which one it's real and which one is fake!
With the other "eyes" you can see clearly and focus,
either it's real or not!

Definitely, second eyes = second opinion.
It's like your best buddy.
Make you think before you see it!

Thanks buddy!

WHAT did YOU see?

Is it true what you see is what you get? I believe sometimes we are blind. It's not all you see and captured by your eyes is the reality.  A lot of stuff already been edited. Included in this pictures!

However, we love to see whatever in front of our eyes even it's not real! Even make us so happy!!  are we real? or on denial?

However,  I love to capture a beautiful thing!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

continue .. DEDEG 2

Berhubungan dengan DEDEG di page sebelumnya,  aku coba kategorikan jadi 4 type.

Kategori kategori itu ....
-  Enggak cakep,  enggak Pede
-  Enggak cakep, Pede
-  Cakep, enggak Pede
-  Cakep, Pede abisssss

Kategori pertama:
Enggak Cakep plus enggak Pede ...  wong jowo bilang "tahu diri", dengan atribut yg ada, dia selalu hati" sebenernya karena dia merasa ada kekurangan. Aku suka kasihan dengan orang seperti ini karena walopun secara lahiriah dia gak cakep tapi kebanyakan hati mereka "Gold". Mereka selalu berusaha merendahkan dirinya. Orang seperti ini banyak yg punya potential dalam dirinya alias pinter, cuman krn gak modal di tampang aja jd dia ngerasa dah "Off" guard dolo an. Orang seperti ini bener" mesti di pompa batinnya ma otaknya, karena sebenernya dia punya potential untuk berkembang. 

Kategori kedua:
Enggak Cakep tapi Pede ... ini yg judulnya menuh"in facebook! Suhu nya bener" dah ... Gayanya bak peragawati kelas kakap,  lagi ngapain aja selalu di publish di Facebook dengan tampangnya yg bikin pusing yg lihat hehehhhe.  Kalo enak dilihat sih masih gak masalah, ini bikin mau muntah! Judulnya Pede habissss .. jadi gak lihat bentuk badan kek mana, usia kek mana, dia gak peduli. Yang penting baju yg gua pake merek dan semua orang harus tahu. Ujung kepala sampe kaki merek semua, jadi kalo jalan seperti bunyi .. Bermerek .. bermerek .. bermerek! hahahahah ...  Aku ngeliat orang seperti ini kadang kasihan karena dia sebenernya seperti kebingungan kepengen meraih sesuatu yg sangat tidak memungkinkan.  Identitas dah jelas gak ada karena semuanya dipaksakan untuk menunjukkan ke orang kalo " gua nehhhh ... elo mesti lihat sapa gua ..."  Jangan ngomongin status dia pula .. sedang apapun dia tulis.  Kalo orang seperti ini pinter, jangan salah, semua status dia Pedeeeee gak karuan! Semuanya di "LIKE" sendiri dengan berita diri semua seolah" di dunia ini punya dia sendiri dan orang lain bego sedunia! Phuhh .. Dunia tidak selebar daun kelor lagiiii, neng! Kalo cowo kek gene, dah gue cekik lehernya hahahahah

Kategori ketiga ..
Cakep, enggak Pede .. ini judulnya juga kasihan, model orang kek gene kebanyakan disetir orang sana sini.  Dia dah tau dah punya modal cakep tapi dia pemalu banget. Jadi temen"nya selalu berusaha mendekati dia untuk mencari keuntungan dan biasanya dia iya" aja karena dia gak tau mesti ngapain karena dia gak pede itu tadi. Kalo pake baju dia selalu bilang, gak ah .. gak pede gua, heheheh. Kasihan deeee looooo!!!!!

Kategori keempat,
Cakep dan Pede habis ... wahhh ... ini sama gilanya sama orang yg gak cakep tapi Pede habis karena dia selalu merasa gua bisa, why not? Gua cakep, kenapa enggak?  Judulnya di FB fotonya bisa 200 pics, tampang dia doank, dengan baju yg sama, tampang yg sama, bedanya cuman anggel kemiringan kamera yg bisa diputar 200 putaran tiap detik, hohohoh
Orang kek gene biasanya statusnya gak cewe gak cowok, berita diri. Kemanapun dia berada selalu update.  Gak punya sense or humor karena dia selalu focus dan serious cuman untuk dirinya sendiri!  What the heck with other people! Dia berusaha gimana caranya exist di dunia yg tidak exist! Nah lo ... klo dia di kebun binatang banyak temennya tuh hahahaha
Kasihan liatnya karena dia punya potential tampang yg dah cakep tapi mubazir kata orang.  Nyalurinnya salah.  Tiap hari kerjaannya publish foto dia, klo punya anak, semua poto anak, pembantu, pelayan, semua di publish dengan kepede an tingkat tinggi!
Udah gitu yg paling lucu nehh .. tiap foto yg dia publish, di "LIKE" sendiri. Coba ada button "SLAP" this person, I will do that hahahaha

Akhirnya ... semua itu kembali ke diri kita masing". 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Physical Appearance alias Penampilan secara fisik, dalam bahasa jawa DEDEG.
Cuman 3 unsur huruf yang berulang "DE"G" tapi artinya jangan tanya luasnya kemana" taunya!

Gara gara "People watching" dan kasak kusuk sana sini, akhirnya jadi pengen ngebahas masalah simpel yg bisa cukup rumit bagi seseorang! DEDEG iku opo toh sebenernya??????

Aku pikir di negaraku aja masalah DEDEG ini selalu dipermasalahkan apabila seseorang mencari kerja atau mencari pasangan hidup atau mencari lainnya hahahah.  Well .. ternyata masalah DEDEG ini dimana aja, disini pon hal ini juga salah satu bagian yg bisa dibilang "sangat penting". Makanya ada yg judulnya "Love at the first SIGHT" .. iku ngono ternyata masalah DEDEG ini tadi.

Diskusi sama wong jowo, akhirnya dapat juga jawaban yg sebenernya. Kalo orang jawa suka bilang: Wong iki ono DEDEG e' maksudnya secara fisik ada yg bisa dilihat. Orang yg mempunyai DEDEG tidak harus cantik ato ganteng tapi ada "special thing" yg bisa dilihat wujudnya.  Hmmm .. sound quite complicated even I do understand.  Itu yg aku tangkep dari omongan ini.

Kenapa hal ini penting? karena juntrungannya ke CONFIDENCE! Makanya disini pon hal ini bisa dibilang a "big thing" alias pegang peranan penting. DEDEG lebih ke arah dimana kamu bisa represent diri kamu secara confident dan charming! finally ... Blaaaahhhh .... 

Jadi keinget pengalamanku sendiri pertama kali diinterview kerja disini, 16 taon yg lalu, begeto manager tersebut megang CV ku, belum dibacanya pon,  yg dipelototin "appearance" ku dari ujung kepala sampe kaki! Believe it ot not. Geto juga waktu aku ng'interview" pegawai baruku,  sambil megang CV dia, gua jg belagak melototin dia dari ujung kepala sampe kaki. Gantian geto lho (sekalian revenge benernya) .. hahahaha.
Anyway, first impression ini emang agak intriguing tapi kalo kamu bisa lihat body language  dan cara dia bicara, it will give you guidance that you are going to hire this person or not! Geli juga  kalo keinget pengalamanku ini,  ada orang yg naturally very charming and original, dan ada juga ya berusaha untuk "impress" me much hahahaha ..

Well .. itu tadi sekedar contoh untuk kalo cari kerja.  Kalo cari jodoh laen lage dah. Gak ikut" gua hahahaha. Yang pasti DEDEG ini penting dimana aja, bukan di jawa aja geto lhooooo ...!!!!! Hidup wong  jowo hohoho. 

to be continue ...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

BREAK "the deal" FAST

In  my country,  every household has a maid who is helping do all the chores at home, especially in the kitchen. My mom never asked me to go to kitchen to help or to learn how to cook a food. She is a master of the gourmet food.  Probably that is why she doesn't need a help.  She thought if I am helping her, I will screw up whatever she cooked.  I remember she said: "no worries, your hand is gonna get dirty and you're gonna smell bad ... or "no worries it's gonna screw up this stuff".  Then I walk away and never bother to go to kitchen again.  

Anyway, yesterday my 10 yrs old son asked me to teach him how to make a "scrambled egg with cheese" to accompany his whole wheat toast. He's so happy to know how to break the egg, scrambled it and put the cheese on top, stir it very well, put it on his plate, Voila!  As for me as well, it's done deal as it reminds me with my past in the kitchen!

I remember the first time I learned to make a sunny side up (telor ceplok in my language) when I was 19 yrs old!! I was so afraid of hot oil and I threw the eggs hahahahah.  I know you gonna say WTF, I was very spoil brat when I was young.  I am not gonna totally blame it to my mom but she got 50% on her part "not let me to go to kitchen!  25% mine and  25% it was our society culture who make this happen (WTF??).

25% my fault for not being a "curiosity" with whatever happen in that kitchen! I rather did reading or talking on the phone with my friends hahahha.  Then, I regret it until I was an adult and need to cook my own food. 25% I blame it to society who created "a maid" culture hohoho

However, am so happy mom rightnow to see my 10 yrs old son is getting into teenager phase. He's very independent boy. His curiosity so high. I told him that I want to teach him how to do this early as well, just in case if I am sick and I can not help him to make his breakfast.  He's so proud and happy and said that he'll make his own breakfast from now on! 

Phase one, he knows already how to make a scrambled egg with cheese, sausage and grilled cheese sandwich as this is his breakfast everyday if he doesn't want to have a bowl of cereal.

Well Done, mr. T!

Luv always,

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

OLD and NEW 2013

"Old and New. Party or No Party? New Clothes or PJ? Comfy or Dressy?"

Old and New Year 2012. No Party, located in Dieng mountain, Wonosobo with my family n' best friend from Toronto. The weather is a wet cold after raining. The ambiance is totally different than here even it's very cold here.  The food is not what we expected but finally we found a good meat ball soup after all.

Old and New Year 2013 .. No Party, located ... home sweet home, Calgary, Canada.
The weather is nice "right temperature - above zero" exactly! Very pleasant with the comfy ambiance, home! Yes, home. That is what I wanna be!

I have to say sorry to my a good friend who invited us for the new year party. It's not because we don't want to get together but this time we want to be home. The feeling that we wanna have is totally comfy PJ, a gourmet food and nice conversations.

Frankly, am totally not into the party goer rightnow.  Felt like I am done with "the party" thingy.  Getting old? dunno. I've been party a lot since I was young, so kinda "been there, done that! The feeling "off" the party makes me feel so goooood!!! even Damn goood!!!!. Even I  got new dresses are hanging in my closet but it felt just "NOT this time, babe!!" Pleaseeee hanging there!! hahahhaa

The old movie is ARGO, finally we watched it at the cheap cinema. After all, Ben Affleck directed n' produced a good movie with George Clooney. Since it's old movie, so many old fella inside.  Hmm .. considering am getting ages too hahahah

The food ...  Tahu campur Lamongan. Finally .. I find my mom recipe after reviewed my blog and surprised me that January 1, 2011- I made this soul food also! What? Yup, means this food is deserved to be the Best food for Old and New Year gourmet food, hohohoh.

Last year when I was in my country, I can't even find the best tahu campur like my mom make it and now I make it exactly like when my mom make one! Phuhhh .. so proud I know how to make the good food! Yeahhh ..

Stop by at liquor store to get a whisky, JD and Merlot for my husband, a Baileys and Kahlua to accompany my desert: Tiramisu, brought by our close friend. It's complete my end of the year dinner.

And .... am still in my PJ!! What a comfy end of the year! is nothing different than yesterday or tomorrow of course,  the different is  only "2013 is a NEW".

A good conversations with our close friend .. is about our old country, Indonesia - that is what we concern all the time.  Talking about the road, the traffic jam, the infrastructures that is never end. Even at the end we can't do anything and a NEW YEAR 2013 is coming in front of us already.

Happy New Year 2013!! Finally  ... home sweet home in 2013!! Yup. Sooo .. good to be home!

Thanks to whatever happen in 2012. 
No matter what, 2013 is definitely has to be one step a head to my future.
I am ready to challenge whatever a head of me.

God bless us all, amin.