Story from my old diary last year, end of June in Indonesia.
Packing semua baju"musim panas, musim semi dan sebagian musim gugur, simpen semua winter clothing. I know it is gonna be hot season
and raining for a bit in my motherland, Indonesia. Still need some cotton sweater just in case I am going
to mountain, that still crisp cold.
The first day impression:
Very Hot, babe!!! Thanks God, aku dah prepare semuanya. Begeto landing di bandara SoeTa, sandal dah nempel di kaki hahahha. Berdua ama anakku, di Taiwan sempet bengong lihat TKI disana pada dress up, malahan ada yg pake winter boots, believe it or not! Mau mudik kemana, ya? Canada ato Indonesia? hehehehe hmmm ... kale biar keliatan keren dr luar negeri gito kale ya hehhehe. Aku dari dulu emang gak pernah peduli soal status dari luar negeriku, so what geto lhoooo!!!
Mulai dari airport sampe makan malam di mall, dimana" aku lihat ibu" dan mbak" pada pake legging. Yup, thight legging and
temperature is above 30C! I can't believe myself. How did they do that? I was like 'Wow .. aku sejak dr airport smp detik mau balik ke Canada, kemana" pake celana pendek dan short sleeveless, suamiku malahan pake sarung dan sandal! hahahaha
Second fact:
Kebanyakan orang disana ikut trends very
regerously & at the same time, they luv "branded item". Pake branded items menunjukkan "status" siapa mereka. They are trying so hard to give the impression that they
"have", even some of them are not rich or even can't afford to buy it! Aku perhatikan mulai dijalanan waktu macet, orang naik motor sampe di mall dimana pun, tua muda nenteng tas "Louis Vutton" ato Guccci palsu! They love
these two brands. They don't even care if it's fake!
Don't get me wrong. I don't hate fake stuff but I don't like
to impress someone! That's the 1st RULE. Aku suka sesuatu yg "descent" dan membuatku comfortable. Seringkali aku lihat ibu"muda cantik di mall yg dandan head to toe with branded item but .. she doesn't look confident . How did I know that? I noticed from the way she is looking at me!
hahaha. I don't even carry LV or
Gucci but I know someone notice me, Ups! It's not my fault that I was born with the good gene, hahahahha. Sorry,
does not wanna be an arrogan Bitch but that is the truth! LOL.
Anyway, aku jadi keinget waktu berlibur ke Italy, temenku ngingetin untuk gak belanja branded bag imitasi ini kalo kita mau nerusin perjalanan kita ke Paris. Aku tanya kenapa? temenku bilang kalo di bandara France ada LV detective yg detect orang"yg bawa tas palsu LV masuk ke Paris. Jangan coba" pake ato bawa tas LV palsu, mereka langsung tangkap kau dan bisa kena denda 7 kale lipat harga tas asli plus dipenjara! Phuhhh .. serem banget dengernya.
Sekarang aku lihat dimukaku orang pake tas imitasi dimanapun aku jalan! I was thinking ...
hmmm .. what if these detectives on vacation in my country and see all of these
everywhere? hah?! They will suffer heart attack probably or they just closed
they eyes pretend they don't even see a thing??
Sohibku bilang susah untuk jadi who "you are" in this country! Orang bisa bilang kamu gak "normal" kalo kamu gak sama dengan orang lainnya! Aha! Kebanyakan orang melihat what is "IN" rightnow, seperti yg aku bilang diatas, ngikutin trends. Mereka gak lihat if "it is good for me or not", as long as they are
"following" the trends! Yup, that is super fact! heheheh
I see a lot of my friends are trying so hard to dress up for
impress. They did not impress a man but they're trying so hard to impress the
girl - to make them jealous! hahahha
I find out myself when I went out and someone is asking me: what should I wear? I was like what? What is the question?
you are asking me what to wear? I was quite surprise. The first time, I thought
it was joking and I keep fooling around and do the same question hahahha.
Actually they are seriously asking that question.
For me, that is a wrong
question if you asked me. My rule is "NOT" following the rule what people
normal do! I have my own rule in terms on wearing thing. I did not follow the
trends!! I don't even care what people think about me. Dressing up is a fun thing. I don't like any pressure from
the right and left. I dress myself
up according to my mood swing and the weather that I am where at.